Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences
Edited by Virgil Zeigler-Hill & Todd K. Shackelford (Springer)
Edited by Virgil Zeigler-Hill & Todd K. Shackelford (Springer)

Evolutionary Perspectives on Death
Edited by Todd K. Shackelford & Virgil Zeigler-Hill (Springer)
The Role of Death in Life: Exploring the Interface Between Terror Management Theory and Evolutionary Psychology (Tom Pyszczynski) / Evolutionary Perspectives on the Loss of a Twin (Nancy L. Segal) / Beyond the Search for Suigiston: How Evolution Offers Oxygen for Suicidology (C. A. Soper) / Animacy and Mortality Salience: New Directions for the Adaptive Memory Literature (Jeanette Altarriba & Stephanie Kazanas) / Nonhuman Primate Responses to Death (Sarah F. Brosnan & Jennifer Vonk) / Did Human Reality Denial Breach the Evolutionary Psychological Barrier of Mortality Salience? A Theory that Can Explain Unusual Features of the Origin and Fate of Our Species (Ajit Varki) / Death in Literature (Joseph Carroll) / Last Moments: Witnessing and Representing the Death of Pets (Jessica Pierce & Ross Taylor) / The Evolution of American Perspectives Concerning Treatment of the Dead and the Role of Human Decomposition Facilities (Katie Zejdlik & Sarah E. Burke)
Edited by Todd K. Shackelford & Virgil Zeigler-Hill (Springer)
The Role of Death in Life: Exploring the Interface Between Terror Management Theory and Evolutionary Psychology (Tom Pyszczynski) / Evolutionary Perspectives on the Loss of a Twin (Nancy L. Segal) / Beyond the Search for Suigiston: How Evolution Offers Oxygen for Suicidology (C. A. Soper) / Animacy and Mortality Salience: New Directions for the Adaptive Memory Literature (Jeanette Altarriba & Stephanie Kazanas) / Nonhuman Primate Responses to Death (Sarah F. Brosnan & Jennifer Vonk) / Did Human Reality Denial Breach the Evolutionary Psychological Barrier of Mortality Salience? A Theory that Can Explain Unusual Features of the Origin and Fate of Our Species (Ajit Varki) / Death in Literature (Joseph Carroll) / Last Moments: Witnessing and Representing the Death of Pets (Jessica Pierce & Ross Taylor) / The Evolution of American Perspectives Concerning Treatment of the Dead and the Role of Human Decomposition Facilities (Katie Zejdlik & Sarah E. Burke)

The SAGE Handbook of Personality and Individual Differences: Volume 1. The Science of Personality and Individual Differences
Edited by Virgil Zeigler-Hill & Todd K. Shackelford (SAGE)
Defining Traits (Robert R. McCrae) / Personality in Nonhuman Animals: Comparative Perspectives and Applications (Jennifer Vonk & Taryn Eaton) / The Psychodynamic Perspective (Robert F. Bornstein, Crista E. Maracic, & Adam P. Natoli) / Transdisciplinary Philosophy-of-Science Paradigm for Research on Individuals: Foundations for the Science of Personality and Individual Differences (Jana Uher) / Socioanalytic Theory: Basic Concepts, Supporting Evidence, and Practical Implications (Robert Hogan & Gerhard Blickle) / Why Do Traits Come Together? The Underlying Trait and Network Approaches (René Mottus & Mike H. Allerhand) / Implicit Theories of Personality Across Development: Impacts on Coping, Resilience, and Mental Health (Jessica L. Schleider & Hans S. Schroder) / Contemporary Integrative Interpersonal Theory of Personality (Sindes Dawood, Emily A. Dowgwillo, Leila Z. Wu, & Aaron L. Pincus) / Evolutionary Perspectives on Personality and Individual Differences (Yael Sela & Nicole Barbaro) / Measuring Personality Processes in the Lab and the Field (Cornelia Wrzus, Martin Quintus, & Anna Baumert) / Movement Pattern Analysis (MPA): Decoding Individual Differences in Embodied Decision Making (Brenda L. Connors, Carol-Lynne Moore, Richard Rende, & Timothy J. Colton) / The Various Roles of Replication in Scientific Research (Gregory Francis) / Implicit Measures (Michela Schröder-Abé & Ramzi Fatfouta) / Ambulatory Monitoring and Ambulatory Assessment in Personality Research (Mario Wenzel & Thomas Kubiak) / Behavioral Observation in the Study of Personality and Individual Differences (Christopher S. Nave, Michael G. Feeney, & R. Michael Furr) / What Do We Know When We LIWC a Person? Text Analysis as an Assessment Tool for Traits, Personal Concerns, and Life Stories (Cindy K. Chung & James W. Pennebaker) / Longitudinal Data Analysis for Personality Psychologists (Steffen Nestler) / The network structure of personality psychology: What the SAGE Handbook of Personality and Individual Differences tells us about the nature of the field (Kevin Lanning, Sonia Baron, & Gregory D. Webster) / Pathological Personality Traits: The Movement Toward Dimensional Approaches to Psychopathology (Zara E. Wright & Robert F. Krueger) / Conceptualizing and Measuring Intelligence (Gilles E. Gignac) / Measurement of Situational Influences (Kai T. Horstmann, John F. Rauthmann, & Ryne A. Sherman) / Taxometric Analysis (David K. Marcus & Alyssa L. Norris) / Within-Person Variability in Narcissism (Miranda Giacomin & Christian H. Jordan) / Interpersonal Perception Models (Jeremy C. Biesanz) / Accounting for Socially Desirable Responding in Personality Assessment (Joyce H. L. Lui, Christopher T. Barry, & Katrina H. McDougall) / Personality Assessment in Forensic Psychology (John F. Edens, David DeMatteo, Shannon E. Kelley, & Shelby Arnold) / Measuring the Dark Side of Personality (Beth A. Visser & Stephanie Campbell) / Putting Time in a Wider Perspective: The Past, the Present, and the Future of Time Perspective Theory (Maciej Stolarski, Nicolas Fieulaine, & Philip G. Zimbardo)
Edited by Virgil Zeigler-Hill & Todd K. Shackelford (SAGE)
Defining Traits (Robert R. McCrae) / Personality in Nonhuman Animals: Comparative Perspectives and Applications (Jennifer Vonk & Taryn Eaton) / The Psychodynamic Perspective (Robert F. Bornstein, Crista E. Maracic, & Adam P. Natoli) / Transdisciplinary Philosophy-of-Science Paradigm for Research on Individuals: Foundations for the Science of Personality and Individual Differences (Jana Uher) / Socioanalytic Theory: Basic Concepts, Supporting Evidence, and Practical Implications (Robert Hogan & Gerhard Blickle) / Why Do Traits Come Together? The Underlying Trait and Network Approaches (René Mottus & Mike H. Allerhand) / Implicit Theories of Personality Across Development: Impacts on Coping, Resilience, and Mental Health (Jessica L. Schleider & Hans S. Schroder) / Contemporary Integrative Interpersonal Theory of Personality (Sindes Dawood, Emily A. Dowgwillo, Leila Z. Wu, & Aaron L. Pincus) / Evolutionary Perspectives on Personality and Individual Differences (Yael Sela & Nicole Barbaro) / Measuring Personality Processes in the Lab and the Field (Cornelia Wrzus, Martin Quintus, & Anna Baumert) / Movement Pattern Analysis (MPA): Decoding Individual Differences in Embodied Decision Making (Brenda L. Connors, Carol-Lynne Moore, Richard Rende, & Timothy J. Colton) / The Various Roles of Replication in Scientific Research (Gregory Francis) / Implicit Measures (Michela Schröder-Abé & Ramzi Fatfouta) / Ambulatory Monitoring and Ambulatory Assessment in Personality Research (Mario Wenzel & Thomas Kubiak) / Behavioral Observation in the Study of Personality and Individual Differences (Christopher S. Nave, Michael G. Feeney, & R. Michael Furr) / What Do We Know When We LIWC a Person? Text Analysis as an Assessment Tool for Traits, Personal Concerns, and Life Stories (Cindy K. Chung & James W. Pennebaker) / Longitudinal Data Analysis for Personality Psychologists (Steffen Nestler) / The network structure of personality psychology: What the SAGE Handbook of Personality and Individual Differences tells us about the nature of the field (Kevin Lanning, Sonia Baron, & Gregory D. Webster) / Pathological Personality Traits: The Movement Toward Dimensional Approaches to Psychopathology (Zara E. Wright & Robert F. Krueger) / Conceptualizing and Measuring Intelligence (Gilles E. Gignac) / Measurement of Situational Influences (Kai T. Horstmann, John F. Rauthmann, & Ryne A. Sherman) / Taxometric Analysis (David K. Marcus & Alyssa L. Norris) / Within-Person Variability in Narcissism (Miranda Giacomin & Christian H. Jordan) / Interpersonal Perception Models (Jeremy C. Biesanz) / Accounting for Socially Desirable Responding in Personality Assessment (Joyce H. L. Lui, Christopher T. Barry, & Katrina H. McDougall) / Personality Assessment in Forensic Psychology (John F. Edens, David DeMatteo, Shannon E. Kelley, & Shelby Arnold) / Measuring the Dark Side of Personality (Beth A. Visser & Stephanie Campbell) / Putting Time in a Wider Perspective: The Past, the Present, and the Future of Time Perspective Theory (Maciej Stolarski, Nicolas Fieulaine, & Philip G. Zimbardo)

The SAGE Handbook of Personality and Individual Differences: Volume 2. Origins of Personality and Individual Differences
Edited by Virgil Zeigler-Hill & Todd K. Shackelford (SAGE)
Hormonal Influences on Personality and Individual Differences (Jennifer Guinn Sellers & Thanh Thanh L. Nguyen) / Molecular Genetic Studies of Human Temperament (Kostas A. Papageorgiou & Vijeinika Vipulananthan) / Digit Ratio and Personality and Individual Differences (John T. Manning & Bernhard Fink) / Morningness-Eveningness and Sociosexuality from a Life-History Perspective (James Marvel-Coen, Coltan Scrivner, & Dario Maestripieri) / Toward the Molecular Basis of Personality (Turhan Canli) / Individual Differences in Personal Narrative: Coherence, Autobiographical Reasoning, and Meaning Making (Theodore E. A. Waters & Christin Köber) / Developmental Profiles of Individuals with Psychopathic Traits: The Good, the Bad, and the Snake (Marie-Hélène Cigna, Jean-Pierre Guay, & Nathalie M. G. Fontaine) / Generational Changes in Self-Esteem and Narcissism (Eunike Wetzel, M. Brent Donnellan, Richard W. Robins, & Kali H. Trzesniewski) / The Role of the Family in Personality Development (Ugo Pace & Alessia Passanisi) / The Role of Peers in Personality Development (Julia Zimmermann & Anne K. Reitz) / Personality Development in Adolescence and Young Adulthood (Theo A. Klimstra, Jeroen Borghuis, & Wiebke Bleidorn) / The Development of Evolutionarily Adaptive Individual Differences: Children as Active Participants in Their Current and Future Survival (P. Douglas Sellers, II, Karin Machluf, & David F. Bjorklund) / Cross-Situational Consistency, Variability, and the Behavioral Signature (Marc A. Fournier & D. S. Moskowitz) / Transactions of Personality and the Social Environment During Development (Odilia M. Laceulle & Marcel A. G. van Aken) / Personality Development in Adulthood (Marcus Mund, Julia Zimmermann, & Franz J. Neyer) / Moral Character: Current Insights and Future Directions (Erik G. Helzer, R. Michael Furr, & Eranda Jayawickreme) / Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Personality and Individual Differences (Jüri Allik & Anu Realo) / Threat of Infectious Disease (Iris M. Wang, Nicholas M. Michalak, & Joshua M. Ackerman) / Sex Ratio Influences on Personality and Individual Differences (Daniel J. Kruger) / Individualism and Collectivism (Takeshi Hamamura, Karim Bettache, & Yi Xu) / Exploring Potential Causes of Individual Differences in the Expression of Neonatal Imitation (Siobhan Kennedy-Costantini & Mark Nielsen) / Individual Differences and Romantic Relationships: Bidirectional Influences on Self and Relational Processes (Brent A. Mattingly, Kevin P. McIntyre, & Dylan Faulkner Selterman) / The Gender Similarities Hypothesis (Jennifer L. Petersen) / Positive Personality Change Following Adversity (Eranda Jayawickreme & Corinne E. Zachry) / Self-Sacrifice for a Cause: A Review and an Integrative Model (Jocelyn J. Bélanger, Birga M. Schumpe, Bhavna Menon, Joanna Conda Ng, & Noёmie Nociti)
Edited by Virgil Zeigler-Hill & Todd K. Shackelford (SAGE)
Hormonal Influences on Personality and Individual Differences (Jennifer Guinn Sellers & Thanh Thanh L. Nguyen) / Molecular Genetic Studies of Human Temperament (Kostas A. Papageorgiou & Vijeinika Vipulananthan) / Digit Ratio and Personality and Individual Differences (John T. Manning & Bernhard Fink) / Morningness-Eveningness and Sociosexuality from a Life-History Perspective (James Marvel-Coen, Coltan Scrivner, & Dario Maestripieri) / Toward the Molecular Basis of Personality (Turhan Canli) / Individual Differences in Personal Narrative: Coherence, Autobiographical Reasoning, and Meaning Making (Theodore E. A. Waters & Christin Köber) / Developmental Profiles of Individuals with Psychopathic Traits: The Good, the Bad, and the Snake (Marie-Hélène Cigna, Jean-Pierre Guay, & Nathalie M. G. Fontaine) / Generational Changes in Self-Esteem and Narcissism (Eunike Wetzel, M. Brent Donnellan, Richard W. Robins, & Kali H. Trzesniewski) / The Role of the Family in Personality Development (Ugo Pace & Alessia Passanisi) / The Role of Peers in Personality Development (Julia Zimmermann & Anne K. Reitz) / Personality Development in Adolescence and Young Adulthood (Theo A. Klimstra, Jeroen Borghuis, & Wiebke Bleidorn) / The Development of Evolutionarily Adaptive Individual Differences: Children as Active Participants in Their Current and Future Survival (P. Douglas Sellers, II, Karin Machluf, & David F. Bjorklund) / Cross-Situational Consistency, Variability, and the Behavioral Signature (Marc A. Fournier & D. S. Moskowitz) / Transactions of Personality and the Social Environment During Development (Odilia M. Laceulle & Marcel A. G. van Aken) / Personality Development in Adulthood (Marcus Mund, Julia Zimmermann, & Franz J. Neyer) / Moral Character: Current Insights and Future Directions (Erik G. Helzer, R. Michael Furr, & Eranda Jayawickreme) / Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Personality and Individual Differences (Jüri Allik & Anu Realo) / Threat of Infectious Disease (Iris M. Wang, Nicholas M. Michalak, & Joshua M. Ackerman) / Sex Ratio Influences on Personality and Individual Differences (Daniel J. Kruger) / Individualism and Collectivism (Takeshi Hamamura, Karim Bettache, & Yi Xu) / Exploring Potential Causes of Individual Differences in the Expression of Neonatal Imitation (Siobhan Kennedy-Costantini & Mark Nielsen) / Individual Differences and Romantic Relationships: Bidirectional Influences on Self and Relational Processes (Brent A. Mattingly, Kevin P. McIntyre, & Dylan Faulkner Selterman) / The Gender Similarities Hypothesis (Jennifer L. Petersen) / Positive Personality Change Following Adversity (Eranda Jayawickreme & Corinne E. Zachry) / Self-Sacrifice for a Cause: A Review and an Integrative Model (Jocelyn J. Bélanger, Birga M. Schumpe, Bhavna Menon, Joanna Conda Ng, & Noёmie Nociti)

The SAGE Handbook of Personality and Individual Differences: Volume 3. Applications of Personality and Individual Differences
Edited by Virgil Zeigler-Hill & Todd K. Shackelford (SAGE)
Personality Pathology (Michael P. Hengartner, Johannes Zimmermann, & Aidan G. C. Wright) / Personality and Depression (Daniel N. Klein, Megan C. Finsaas, Brandon L. Goldstein, Ellen M. Kessel, Daniel C. Kopala-Sibley, & Roman Kotov) / Emotion Regulation: Theoretical Models, Associated Outcomes, and Recent Advances (Kim L. Gratz, Laura J. Dixon, Elizabeth J. Kiel, & Matthew T. Tull) / Stress and Its Multiple Faces (Dusica Lecic Tosevski, Olivera Vukocic, Bojana Pejuskovic, & Nadja P. Maric) / Self-Regulation: An Integrative Review (Rick H. Hoyle & Erin K. Davisson) / Disease Avoidance: An Evolutionary Perspective on Personality and Individual Differences (Natalie J. Shook, Benjamin Oosterhoff, John A. Terrizzi, & Russ Clay) / Measurement and Theory in Disgust Sensitivity (Joshua M. Tybur & Annika K. Karinen) / Aggression (Wayne A. Warburton & Craig A. Anderson) / Agreeableness: A Three-Level Integration (William G. Graziano & Renée M. Tobin) / Social Hierarchies (Patricia H. Hawley & Andrew R. Bower) / Interpersonal Accuracy in Trait Judgments (Tera D. Letzring & David C. Funder) / Experiencing and Regulating Desire (Wilhelm Hofmann & Lotte van Dillen) / Externalizing, Psychopathy, and Antisocial Personality Disorder: A Parsimonious, Trait-Based Approach (David D. Vachon, Donald R. Lynam, Joshua D. Miller, & Robert F. Krueger) / The Personality Bases of Political Ideology and Behavior (Aleksandra Cichocka & Kristof Dhont) / Personality and Religiosity: Intuitions and Findings (Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi) / Narcissism: A Social-Developmental Perspective (Sander Thomaes, Eddie Brummelman, & Constantine Sedikides) / Emotional Intelligence: What It Is, How It Can Be Measured and Increased, and Whether It Makes Us Successful and Happy (Astrid Schütz & Selda Koydemir) / Dispositional Envy: A Conceptual Review (Jens Lange, Lisa Blatz, & Jan Crusius) / Individual Differences in Vocational Interests (Julie Aitken Schermer) / Personnel Selection and Personality (Ioannis Nikolaou & Konstantina Foti) / The Expanded Criterion Space for Individual Differences and Leadership (Kim-Yin Chan & Jeffrey C. Kennedy) / Dark Personality and Features of Employment (Seth M. Spain & P. D. Harms) / Personality and Occupational Success (Adrian Furnham) / Economics and Well-Being (Bruno S. Frey & Christian Ulbrich) / Modernizing Intelligence in the Workplace: Recent Developments in Theory and Measurement of Intelligence at Work (Elliott Larson, Kenneth P. Yusko, Charles Scherbaum, Harold Goldstein, Juliet Aiken, & Lorren Oliver) / Mental Toughness: A Personality Trait that is Relevant across Achievement Contexts and Mental Health Outcomes (Kostas A. Papageorgiou, Julian Mutz, Ying Lin, & Peter J. Clough)
Edited by Virgil Zeigler-Hill & Todd K. Shackelford (SAGE)
Personality Pathology (Michael P. Hengartner, Johannes Zimmermann, & Aidan G. C. Wright) / Personality and Depression (Daniel N. Klein, Megan C. Finsaas, Brandon L. Goldstein, Ellen M. Kessel, Daniel C. Kopala-Sibley, & Roman Kotov) / Emotion Regulation: Theoretical Models, Associated Outcomes, and Recent Advances (Kim L. Gratz, Laura J. Dixon, Elizabeth J. Kiel, & Matthew T. Tull) / Stress and Its Multiple Faces (Dusica Lecic Tosevski, Olivera Vukocic, Bojana Pejuskovic, & Nadja P. Maric) / Self-Regulation: An Integrative Review (Rick H. Hoyle & Erin K. Davisson) / Disease Avoidance: An Evolutionary Perspective on Personality and Individual Differences (Natalie J. Shook, Benjamin Oosterhoff, John A. Terrizzi, & Russ Clay) / Measurement and Theory in Disgust Sensitivity (Joshua M. Tybur & Annika K. Karinen) / Aggression (Wayne A. Warburton & Craig A. Anderson) / Agreeableness: A Three-Level Integration (William G. Graziano & Renée M. Tobin) / Social Hierarchies (Patricia H. Hawley & Andrew R. Bower) / Interpersonal Accuracy in Trait Judgments (Tera D. Letzring & David C. Funder) / Experiencing and Regulating Desire (Wilhelm Hofmann & Lotte van Dillen) / Externalizing, Psychopathy, and Antisocial Personality Disorder: A Parsimonious, Trait-Based Approach (David D. Vachon, Donald R. Lynam, Joshua D. Miller, & Robert F. Krueger) / The Personality Bases of Political Ideology and Behavior (Aleksandra Cichocka & Kristof Dhont) / Personality and Religiosity: Intuitions and Findings (Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi) / Narcissism: A Social-Developmental Perspective (Sander Thomaes, Eddie Brummelman, & Constantine Sedikides) / Emotional Intelligence: What It Is, How It Can Be Measured and Increased, and Whether It Makes Us Successful and Happy (Astrid Schütz & Selda Koydemir) / Dispositional Envy: A Conceptual Review (Jens Lange, Lisa Blatz, & Jan Crusius) / Individual Differences in Vocational Interests (Julie Aitken Schermer) / Personnel Selection and Personality (Ioannis Nikolaou & Konstantina Foti) / The Expanded Criterion Space for Individual Differences and Leadership (Kim-Yin Chan & Jeffrey C. Kennedy) / Dark Personality and Features of Employment (Seth M. Spain & P. D. Harms) / Personality and Occupational Success (Adrian Furnham) / Economics and Well-Being (Bruno S. Frey & Christian Ulbrich) / Modernizing Intelligence in the Workplace: Recent Developments in Theory and Measurement of Intelligence at Work (Elliott Larson, Kenneth P. Yusko, Charles Scherbaum, Harold Goldstein, Juliet Aiken, & Lorren Oliver) / Mental Toughness: A Personality Trait that is Relevant across Achievement Contexts and Mental Health Outcomes (Kostas A. Papageorgiou, Julian Mutz, Ying Lin, & Peter J. Clough)

The Evolution of Psychopathology
Edited by Todd K. Shackelford & Virgil Zeigler-Hill (Springer)
Preface (Todd K. Shackelford & Virgil Zeigler-Hill) / Evolutionary Foundations of Psychiatric Compared to Non-Psychiatric Disorders (Horacio Fabrega, Jr. & Martin Brüne) / Taking People As They Are: Evolutionary Psychopathology, Uncomplicated Depression, and the Distinction between Normal and Disordered Sadness (Jerome C. Wakefield, Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces, & Jane J. Lee) / Depression: Is Rumination Really Adaptive? (Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair, Thomas Haarklau Kleppestø, Simen Mjøen Larsen, & Bjørn Emil Gloppen Jørgensen) / The Evolution of Social Anxiety (Sarah F Brosnan, Erin B. Tone, & Lawrence Williams) / Jealousy, Infidelity, and the Difficulty of Diagnosing Pathology: A CBT Approach to Coping with Sexual Betrayal and the Green-Eyed Monster (David M. Buss & Mike Abrams) / Evolved Vulnerability to Addiction: The Problem of Opiates (Elizabeth M. Hill, Lindsey Hunt, & Daniel G. Duryea) / Criminology’s Modern Synthesis: Remaking the Science of Crime with Darwinian Insight (Nicholas Kavish, Kasey Fowler-Finn, & Brian B. Boutwell) / Excruciating Mental States (Sarah A. Perry) / Anthropathology: The Abiding Malady of the Species (Colin Feltham)
Edited by Todd K. Shackelford & Virgil Zeigler-Hill (Springer)
Preface (Todd K. Shackelford & Virgil Zeigler-Hill) / Evolutionary Foundations of Psychiatric Compared to Non-Psychiatric Disorders (Horacio Fabrega, Jr. & Martin Brüne) / Taking People As They Are: Evolutionary Psychopathology, Uncomplicated Depression, and the Distinction between Normal and Disordered Sadness (Jerome C. Wakefield, Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces, & Jane J. Lee) / Depression: Is Rumination Really Adaptive? (Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair, Thomas Haarklau Kleppestø, Simen Mjøen Larsen, & Bjørn Emil Gloppen Jørgensen) / The Evolution of Social Anxiety (Sarah F Brosnan, Erin B. Tone, & Lawrence Williams) / Jealousy, Infidelity, and the Difficulty of Diagnosing Pathology: A CBT Approach to Coping with Sexual Betrayal and the Green-Eyed Monster (David M. Buss & Mike Abrams) / Evolved Vulnerability to Addiction: The Problem of Opiates (Elizabeth M. Hill, Lindsey Hunt, & Daniel G. Duryea) / Criminology’s Modern Synthesis: Remaking the Science of Crime with Darwinian Insight (Nicholas Kavish, Kasey Fowler-Finn, & Brian B. Boutwell) / Excruciating Mental States (Sarah A. Perry) / Anthropathology: The Abiding Malady of the Species (Colin Feltham)

The Dark Side of Personality: Science and Practice in Social, Personality, and Clinical Psychology
Edited by Virgil Zeigler-Hill & David K. Marcus (American Psychological Association)
A Bright Future for Dark Personality Features? (Virgil Zeigler-Hill & David K. Marcus) / The Dark Side of Narcissism (Emily A. Dowgwillo, Sindes Dawood, & Aaron L. Pincus) / Contemporary Conceptualizations of Callous Personality Features from Childhood to Adulthood (Dustin A. Pardini & James V. Ray) / Fearless Dominance and Its Implications for Psychopathy: Are the Right Stuff and the Wrong Stuff Flip Sides of the Same Coin? (Scott O. Lilienfeld, Sarah Francis Smith, & Ashley L. Watts) / The Nature of Machiavellianism: Distinct Patterns of Misbehavior (Daniel N. Jones) / Everyday Sadism (Delroy L. Paulhus & Donald G. Dutton) / Spite (David K. Marcus & Alyssa L. Norris) / A Review of Sensation Seeking and Its Empirical Correlates: Dark, Bright and Neutral Hues (Jessica L. Maples, Danielle S. Berke, Lauren R. Few, & Joshua D. Miller) / Urgency: A Common Transdiagnostic Endophenotype for Maladaptive Risk-Taking (Melissa A. Cyders, Ayca Coskunpinar, & J. Davis VanderVeen) / Distractibility: Interrupted by an Inability to Ignore (Tammy D. Barry, Karin Fisher, Kristy M. DiSabatino, & Theodore S. Tomeny) / Deep, Dark, and Dyfunctional: The Destructiveness of Interpersonal Perfectionism (Gordon L. Flett, Paul L. Hewitt, & Simon S. Sherry) / Authoritarianism: Positives and Negatives (Steven Ludeke) / The Dark (and Light) Sides of Overconfidence (Joyce Ehrlinger & Alex Eichenbaum) / Dark Side of the Mood or Sweet Emotion? Toward a More Nuanced Understanding of Emotional Lability (Kim L. Gratz, Katherine L. Dixon-Gordon, & Diana Whalen) / Anxiousness and Negative Affectivity in the Personality and Internalizing Disorders (Anthony J. Rosellini & Timothy A. Brown) / Depressivity and Anhedonia (Ellen M. Kessel & Daniel N. Klein) / The Dark Sides of High and Low Self-Esteem (Virgil Zeigler-Hill, Christopher J. Holden, Ashton C. Southard, Amy E. Noser, Brian Enjaian, & Noah C. Pollock) / Interpersonal Dependency (Robert F. Bornstein) / Understanding the Dark Side of Personality: Reflections and Future Directions (David K. Marcus & Virgil Zeigler-Hill)
Edited by Virgil Zeigler-Hill & David K. Marcus (American Psychological Association)
A Bright Future for Dark Personality Features? (Virgil Zeigler-Hill & David K. Marcus) / The Dark Side of Narcissism (Emily A. Dowgwillo, Sindes Dawood, & Aaron L. Pincus) / Contemporary Conceptualizations of Callous Personality Features from Childhood to Adulthood (Dustin A. Pardini & James V. Ray) / Fearless Dominance and Its Implications for Psychopathy: Are the Right Stuff and the Wrong Stuff Flip Sides of the Same Coin? (Scott O. Lilienfeld, Sarah Francis Smith, & Ashley L. Watts) / The Nature of Machiavellianism: Distinct Patterns of Misbehavior (Daniel N. Jones) / Everyday Sadism (Delroy L. Paulhus & Donald G. Dutton) / Spite (David K. Marcus & Alyssa L. Norris) / A Review of Sensation Seeking and Its Empirical Correlates: Dark, Bright and Neutral Hues (Jessica L. Maples, Danielle S. Berke, Lauren R. Few, & Joshua D. Miller) / Urgency: A Common Transdiagnostic Endophenotype for Maladaptive Risk-Taking (Melissa A. Cyders, Ayca Coskunpinar, & J. Davis VanderVeen) / Distractibility: Interrupted by an Inability to Ignore (Tammy D. Barry, Karin Fisher, Kristy M. DiSabatino, & Theodore S. Tomeny) / Deep, Dark, and Dyfunctional: The Destructiveness of Interpersonal Perfectionism (Gordon L. Flett, Paul L. Hewitt, & Simon S. Sherry) / Authoritarianism: Positives and Negatives (Steven Ludeke) / The Dark (and Light) Sides of Overconfidence (Joyce Ehrlinger & Alex Eichenbaum) / Dark Side of the Mood or Sweet Emotion? Toward a More Nuanced Understanding of Emotional Lability (Kim L. Gratz, Katherine L. Dixon-Gordon, & Diana Whalen) / Anxiousness and Negative Affectivity in the Personality and Internalizing Disorders (Anthony J. Rosellini & Timothy A. Brown) / Depressivity and Anhedonia (Ellen M. Kessel & Daniel N. Klein) / The Dark Sides of High and Low Self-Esteem (Virgil Zeigler-Hill, Christopher J. Holden, Ashton C. Southard, Amy E. Noser, Brian Enjaian, & Noah C. Pollock) / Interpersonal Dependency (Robert F. Bornstein) / Understanding the Dark Side of Personality: Reflections and Future Directions (David K. Marcus & Virgil Zeigler-Hill)

Evolutionary Perspectives on Social Psychology
Edited by Virgil Zeigler-Hill, Lisa L. M. Welling, & Todd K. Shackelford (Springer)
How Can an Understanding of Evolutionary Psychology Contribute to Social Psychology? (Virgil Zeigler-Hill, Lisa L. M. Welling, & Todd K. Shackelford) / Social by Design: How Social Psychology Can Be More Cognitive Without Being Less Social (Laurence Fiddick) / Social-Cognitive Development from an Evolutionary Perspective (Karin Machluf & David Bjorklund) / Modularity (H. Clark Barrett) / Evolutionary Psychology and Emotion: A Brief History (Tim Ketelaar) / Religiosity (Lee Kirkpatrick) / The Evolution of Social Cognition (Jennifer Vonk, Molly Mcguire, & Zoe Johnson-Ulrich) / The Emergent Self (Raymond Neubauer) / Evolutionary Perspectives on Social Identity (Justin Park & Florian Van Leeuwen) / Self-Esteem (Philip S. Kavanagh & Hayley E. Scrutton) / Your Sociometer Is Telling You Something: How the Self-Esteem System Functions to Resolve Important Interpersonal Dilemmas (Danu Anthony Stinson, Jessica Cameron, & Eric T. Huang) / Self-Deception (William Von Hippel) / Evolutionary Cyberpsychology 2.0: Revisiting Some Old Predictions and Posting Some New Ones in the Age of Facebook (Jared Piazza & Gordon P. D. Ingram) / Attitudes: An Evolutionary Perspective (Charles Lord, Sarah Hill, Christopher J. Holland, Kristin Yoke, & Tong Lu) / Conformity: Definitions, Types, and Evolutionary Grounding (Julie C. Coultas & Edwin J. C. Van Leeuwen) / The Darwinian Mystique? Synthesizing Evolutionary Psychology and Feminism (Sylis C. A. Nicolas & Lisa L. M. Welling) / Nothing in Human Behavior Makes Sense Except in the Light Of Culture: Shared Interests of Social Psychology and Cultural Evolution (Tom J. H. Morgan, Catharine P. Cross, & Luke E. Rendell) / Prosocial Behavior (Dennis L. Krebs) / Groups (Tatsuya Kameda, Mark Van Vugt, & R. Scott Tindale) / Why Do Humans Help Their Friends? Proximal and Ultimate Hypotheses from Evolutionary Theory (Daniel Hruschka, Joseph Hackman, & Shane Macfarlan) / Evolutionary and Social Psychological Perspectives on Human Cooperation (Michael Prentice & Kennon Sheldon) / Language and Communication (Thomas C. Scott-Philips) / The Evolution of Stereotypes (Jacqui Hutchison & Douglas Martin) / A Biosocial Model of Status in Face-To-Face Groups (Allan Mazur) / Attraction and Human Mating (Anthony C. Little) / Evolutionary Developmental Perspectives on Male Androphilia In Humans (Paul L. Vasey & Doug P. Vanderlaan) / Familial Relationships (Catherine Salmon) / A Life History Approach to the Dynamics of Social Selection (Aurelio José Figueredo, Emily Anne Patch, & Carlos Ernesto Gómez Ceballos) / War and Aggression (John M. Friend & Bradley A. Thayer) / Social Competition and Bullying: An Adaptive Socioecological Perspective (Anthony Volk, Victoria Della Cioppa, Megan Earle, & Ann Farrell) / Dangerous Terrorists as Devoted Actors (Scott Atran & Hammad Sheikh) / The Parasite-Stress Theory of Sociality and the Behavioral Immune System (Randy Thornhill & Corey L. Fincher) / Happiness (Bjørn Grinde) / Evolutionary Game Theory and Personality (Pieter Van Den Berg & Franz J. Weissing) / Evolutionary Perspectives of Personality (Jon A. Sefcek, Candace J. Black, & Pedro S. Wolf) / The Roots of Narcissus: Old and New Models of the Evolution of Narcissism (Nicholas S. Holtzman & M. Brent Donnellan) / Integrating Evolutionary Psychology and Social Psychology: Reflections and Future Directions (Lisa L. M. Welling, Virgil Zeigler-Hill, & Todd K. Shackelford)
Edited by Virgil Zeigler-Hill, Lisa L. M. Welling, & Todd K. Shackelford (Springer)
How Can an Understanding of Evolutionary Psychology Contribute to Social Psychology? (Virgil Zeigler-Hill, Lisa L. M. Welling, & Todd K. Shackelford) / Social by Design: How Social Psychology Can Be More Cognitive Without Being Less Social (Laurence Fiddick) / Social-Cognitive Development from an Evolutionary Perspective (Karin Machluf & David Bjorklund) / Modularity (H. Clark Barrett) / Evolutionary Psychology and Emotion: A Brief History (Tim Ketelaar) / Religiosity (Lee Kirkpatrick) / The Evolution of Social Cognition (Jennifer Vonk, Molly Mcguire, & Zoe Johnson-Ulrich) / The Emergent Self (Raymond Neubauer) / Evolutionary Perspectives on Social Identity (Justin Park & Florian Van Leeuwen) / Self-Esteem (Philip S. Kavanagh & Hayley E. Scrutton) / Your Sociometer Is Telling You Something: How the Self-Esteem System Functions to Resolve Important Interpersonal Dilemmas (Danu Anthony Stinson, Jessica Cameron, & Eric T. Huang) / Self-Deception (William Von Hippel) / Evolutionary Cyberpsychology 2.0: Revisiting Some Old Predictions and Posting Some New Ones in the Age of Facebook (Jared Piazza & Gordon P. D. Ingram) / Attitudes: An Evolutionary Perspective (Charles Lord, Sarah Hill, Christopher J. Holland, Kristin Yoke, & Tong Lu) / Conformity: Definitions, Types, and Evolutionary Grounding (Julie C. Coultas & Edwin J. C. Van Leeuwen) / The Darwinian Mystique? Synthesizing Evolutionary Psychology and Feminism (Sylis C. A. Nicolas & Lisa L. M. Welling) / Nothing in Human Behavior Makes Sense Except in the Light Of Culture: Shared Interests of Social Psychology and Cultural Evolution (Tom J. H. Morgan, Catharine P. Cross, & Luke E. Rendell) / Prosocial Behavior (Dennis L. Krebs) / Groups (Tatsuya Kameda, Mark Van Vugt, & R. Scott Tindale) / Why Do Humans Help Their Friends? Proximal and Ultimate Hypotheses from Evolutionary Theory (Daniel Hruschka, Joseph Hackman, & Shane Macfarlan) / Evolutionary and Social Psychological Perspectives on Human Cooperation (Michael Prentice & Kennon Sheldon) / Language and Communication (Thomas C. Scott-Philips) / The Evolution of Stereotypes (Jacqui Hutchison & Douglas Martin) / A Biosocial Model of Status in Face-To-Face Groups (Allan Mazur) / Attraction and Human Mating (Anthony C. Little) / Evolutionary Developmental Perspectives on Male Androphilia In Humans (Paul L. Vasey & Doug P. Vanderlaan) / Familial Relationships (Catherine Salmon) / A Life History Approach to the Dynamics of Social Selection (Aurelio José Figueredo, Emily Anne Patch, & Carlos Ernesto Gómez Ceballos) / War and Aggression (John M. Friend & Bradley A. Thayer) / Social Competition and Bullying: An Adaptive Socioecological Perspective (Anthony Volk, Victoria Della Cioppa, Megan Earle, & Ann Farrell) / Dangerous Terrorists as Devoted Actors (Scott Atran & Hammad Sheikh) / The Parasite-Stress Theory of Sociality and the Behavioral Immune System (Randy Thornhill & Corey L. Fincher) / Happiness (Bjørn Grinde) / Evolutionary Game Theory and Personality (Pieter Van Den Berg & Franz J. Weissing) / Evolutionary Perspectives of Personality (Jon A. Sefcek, Candace J. Black, & Pedro S. Wolf) / The Roots of Narcissus: Old and New Models of the Evolution of Narcissism (Nicholas S. Holtzman & M. Brent Donnellan) / Integrating Evolutionary Psychology and Social Psychology: Reflections and Future Directions (Lisa L. M. Welling, Virgil Zeigler-Hill, & Todd K. Shackelford)

Edited by Virgil Zeigler-Hill (Psychology Press)
The Importance of Self-Esteem (Virgil Zeigler-Hill) / Self-Structure: The Social and Emotional Contexts of Self-Esteem (Christopher P. Ditzfeld & Carolin J. Showers) / Pursuing Self-Esteem: Implications for Self-Regulation and Relationships (Lora E. Park & Jennifer Crocker) / Development of Self-Esteem (Kali H. Trzesniewski, M. Brent Donnellan, & Richard W. Robins) / Fragile Self-Esteem: The Perils and Pitfalls of (Some) High Self-Esteem (Christian H. Jordan & Virgil Zeigler-Hill) / The Development of Explicit and Implicit Self-esteem and their Roles in Psychological Adjustment (Tracy DeHart, Reyna Peña, & Howard Tennen) / Existential Functions of Self-Esteem (Tom Pyszczynski & Pelin Kesebir) / Badge of Honor or Shame: Self-Esteem as an Interpersonal Signal (Jessica Cameron, Jennifer MacGregor, & Tracy Kwang) / Changing Self-Esteem Through Competence and Worthiness Training: A Positive Therapy (Christopher J. Mruk & Edward J. O’Brien)
Edited by Virgil Zeigler-Hill (Psychology Press)
The Importance of Self-Esteem (Virgil Zeigler-Hill) / Self-Structure: The Social and Emotional Contexts of Self-Esteem (Christopher P. Ditzfeld & Carolin J. Showers) / Pursuing Self-Esteem: Implications for Self-Regulation and Relationships (Lora E. Park & Jennifer Crocker) / Development of Self-Esteem (Kali H. Trzesniewski, M. Brent Donnellan, & Richard W. Robins) / Fragile Self-Esteem: The Perils and Pitfalls of (Some) High Self-Esteem (Christian H. Jordan & Virgil Zeigler-Hill) / The Development of Explicit and Implicit Self-esteem and their Roles in Psychological Adjustment (Tracy DeHart, Reyna Peña, & Howard Tennen) / Existential Functions of Self-Esteem (Tom Pyszczynski & Pelin Kesebir) / Badge of Honor or Shame: Self-Esteem as an Interpersonal Signal (Jessica Cameron, Jennifer MacGregor, & Tracy Kwang) / Changing Self-Esteem Through Competence and Worthiness Training: A Positive Therapy (Christopher J. Mruk & Edward J. O’Brien)